My name is Meaghan Straus and I was selected by Dana Obleman, the internationally renowned creator of the Sleep Sense™ Program, to become a Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant. After months of rigorous study, I was one of 15 international candidates who successfully completed the comprehensive in-person training course and mentorship program.
I am a mother of two wonderful sleepers. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't always been that way! I have lived through my fair share of sleep difficulties. Growing up, I always thought "sleeping like a baby" was a good thing but during my pregnancy, many parents warned me that my nights of sleeping well were over (for awhile anyway). I expected endless nighttime feedings, rocking, bouncing, singing, shushing, patting, etc but I didn't know my "help" was preventing my baby from learning the skills to fall asleep on his own. I soon hit the wall of sleep deprivation and desperation.
Something had to change! After much reading and research, it became my mission to teach my little guy the skills he needed to fall asleep on his own and sleep through the night. The Sleep Sense™ Program was my guide and it worked!
It wasn't long before we were all sleeping through the night and he was taking long, restful naps. It changed our lives! I was so excited to share my son's success with my family and friends and before I knew it, friends and co-workers were asking for my sleep advice. When I had my baby girl, my passion for sleep grew and I decided it was time for a career change. Now I am privileged to help families like you, get the sleep you NEED.